A Path Towards Health & Integration 

  • Our Mission

    Our mission at Dandelion Acupuncture

    is to promote personal growth,

    integration, and transformation.

  • Why Chinese Medicine?

    Where Western Medicine treats illness, Chinese Medicine empowers health.

    To find wellness we must explore and integrate who we are, where we are, and most importantly, where we seek to go. Through holding this vision, a skilled Chinese Medicine practitioner is able to support a patient’s transformation.

    In its greatest strengths, Chinese Medicine is medicine for liberation. Allowing us to learn more from ourselves, integrating the unseen or unwanted, and finally, empowering the most authentic versions of ourselves.

  • Why Dandelion?

    Dandelion is a common yet powerful medical plant. Often referred to as a ‘people plant’, Dandelion follows human activity, working to create balance and restore distressed landscapes.

    Often judged as a ‘weed’, ie. something we do not want, it reminds us of our society's unbalanced obsession with perfection — over our gardens, our lawns, our lives. The ‘weeds’ represent the unwanted, the pieces we do not wish to see, that return again and again as we choose not to integrate the disparate pieces of ourselves.

    Energetically, dandelion offers the gift of direction, providing a compass to what is hidden in our lives that is not allowing us to be in harmony. It is the gentle nudge that allows us to peer into what is hidden in ourselves that is not allowing us to claim full ownership of our lives and our journey.

    We wish to use Dandelion as a teacher. To help those seeking health and harmony to find deeper integration; to engender self-love, compassion, and ownership of the journey on this planet.


“I see medicine as a means to integrate the disparate parts of ourselves into a unified whole. My practice focuses on using the tools of the Five Elements tradition and Chinese Herbal medicine to empower patients to integrate and establish their most empowered and authentic selves.”

  • Acupuncture

    Acupuncture represents a variety of techniques and traditions used to promote health. The practice, both beautiful and esoteric, works to profoundly integrate the parts of ourselves. While once drawing skepticism, the benefits of acupuncture have now been proven; in its ability to treat pain and disease, as well as promote mental health.

  • Moxibustion

    Moxibustion, a technique pre-dating acupuncture, consists of burning mugwort over acupuncture points. The process deeply nourishes for body and acts as a profound compliment to acupuncture.

  • Gua Sha & Cupping

    Gua Sha involves brushing the skin with a specialized tool to help ’vent’ the body’s inflammation. Cupping, similarly, uses suction to pull inflammation out of the body to help resolve aches and pain.

  • Herbal Formula

    Chinese Herbalism is a rich living tradition that has thrived for thousands of years. It consists of countless schools of thought, herbs, research, debate, as well as millions upon millions of patients seen, documented, and successfully treated. The ever-developing wealth of information provides a rich lens to view and address our modern-day problems.

Acupuncture Colorado Boulder

My mission is to bring joy, love, and well-being into this world. I am constantly endeavoring to better understand health, wellness, and the complexities of our lives.

Herbalism consultation

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What People Are Saying

“Peter is a shining example of a man who truly embodies his work. He is extremely knowledgable and is more than happy to explain in detail the whys behind his choices when working with him. I am so grateful for his presence and bedside manner as well as the results he has helped me achieve. Throughout our work together Peter has facilitated creating extremely noticeable relief in my gut processing and mental serenity.”

— Jade, Colorado

“Working with Peter has been such a gift! His presence for what is needed in the moment is truly inspired and potent. There’s a quality of experience that comes through that drops me into a shamanic like state where I’m both hyper present and out in a deeper state of awareness all at the same time. I’m very grateful for Peter being in my life and the unique medicine that is his soul shining through his practice!”

— Gerit, Colorado

“Peter is by far the most intuitive and powerful acupuncturist I’ve worked with. His artistry has brought immense healing to my body and mind. The Boulder area is lucky to have such a talented healer! “

— Kalena, New York